New Events Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Peace Summit — 11:11

to Sep 22

Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Fall Equinox Peace Summit "Star Ancestors"

Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Fall Equinox Peace Summit “Star Ancestors”

september 20,21,22,2024










Woodland Altars 33200 State Route 41 Peebles Ohio 45660 Inside the Eastern rim of the Serpent mound impact crater. Serpent mound is on the western side of the crater.



All Nations All Races All my Relations
Wisdom Keepers, Music and Dance.

Friday September 20th

9:00 Arrive and Sign in.

11:00 Opening Chief Iktomi Sha Steve McCullough

12:00 Shiva Nataraj-Allen Ancestral fire ceremony at our gathering Havan (Homa) – The Ancient Vedic Fire Ritual Associated with its existence, Hindu Dharma has many rituals and vidhis and most of the rituals start with Puja in which Havan is the prime part. Also known as Homa or Homam, Havan is a Sanskrit word referring to the ritual whereby offerings are made into the holy fire. The word has a Sanskrit root “hu” meaning “to offer” or “to present”.
Fire is considered an element of Panchatatwa, “the five elements of existence”, the sacred fire is said to drive away all the negative energies around. Fire is believed to be the main link between cosmic consciousness and human consciousness.
During the Vedic period, Havan was a part of daily life but with time its existence has faded. However, the fire ceremony is still conducted during religious and spiritual events. There are many yoga centers in India, Nepal, and various parts of the world, where Havan is performed frequently.

1:00 Baba Jubal

2:00 Adams CO Bigfoot Patrol Young bigfoot hunters from the Serpent Mound Area.

3:00 Anthony J Rodriguez Walking Crow
ransformational Shamanic Healer, Curandero, Mentor, Medicine Man, Drum and Rattle Maker, Ceremonialist, Seer, Storyteller, Philosopher, Speaker, Author and Media Host.

4:00 Introduction Jean Letellier SunBôw TrueBrother All Things Sasquatch?

5:00 Luis Mendez , Luis has been playing didgeridoo for over a decade and builds his own instruments from termite-eaten trees found in the jungle. His music connects Australian aboriginal traditions with indigenous Mexico, reviving the ancient "Mayan trumpet."

6:00 Zack Kouns creates what he calls Modern Liturgical, Hermetic Hillbilly and Chamber Bluegrass.

7:00 Cozmikspiritofficial Liz Morgan Spoken Word

8:00 (Tentative)Tadashi Dance interpretive dancer/performance artist who is a native of Japan. 2) Hawaiian Hula Kahiko Dance with Fire Torches followed by Fire Spinning Dance

8:30 Greene Lawrence Rashad Leading Drumming and Star Gazing

Saturday September 21

9:00 Kari Black Elk , Lakota name Sungmanitu Isnala (Lone Wolf) Opening Ceremony and Teachings

11:11 Barbara Vitale, (Wichapi To Wi, Blue Star Woman )

1:00 Tadashi Tai Chi Qigong

2:00 Thomas Johnson Impact crater & Anomalies in the Serpent Mound Valley

3:00 In depth Talk Jean Letellier SunBôw TrueBrother All Things Sasquatch

5:00 Chaski Wayra Valencia is a Peruvian native bringing the secrets of the Andes to share. He is an energy alchemist, Ancestral Medicine Sound Practitioner and works with ancient traditions of his country.

6:00 Break (wedding for Cherie Lyn Cherie Romano and Ethan Christopher Self sr.)

7:00 Lanny Douglas Southern Rock Music

9:00 Baba Jubal percussionist, drum maker, storyteller and teaching artist. Leading community drumming

Sunday September 22 Fall Equinox will happen at 8:44 a.m.
8:30 Be Watson Anela Malulani Hawaiian opening Ceremony
10:15 Michelle Peacock Light Language.
11:00 Terri Terri A Rivera Sings With Ravens Songs and The Crystal Skull Divyanka “Divyanka” ( देव्यांका ) which translates to Divine. It’s a traditional Hindi name which also signify the skull’s origin. A gift from God. The Skull is Made of Himalayan quartz Crystal.

12:00 Linda Ivarie Star Knowledge Teachings

1:00 Carla Poluha Meditation

3:00 Leza Vivio Past Life and Soul Regression has been one of our most popular meditations since 2020. We have witnessed some truly amazing experiences and can honestly say, that this meditation can defy all possible expectations.

5:00 Kari Black Elk Teachings

7:00 Closing Ceremony and Music, Drumming Jam time


1:00 Lawrence Green Plant workshop


1:00 Rebecca Dunaway CMPE, HMCT-R
Rebecca offers Reiki, HeartMath®, and guided meditation. After 30 years in healthcare, Rebecca became inspired to help others as well as herself applying these three tools easing anxiety, exhaustion, and burnout.

3:00 ChristoLight Robbins Workshop
The guided meditation journey i will be facilitating, is a meditation to connect & receive with our spirit animal medicines & ancestors to assist in aligning & balancing our being for clarity, releasing.


12:00 PJ Johnson Pamila Jean Author | Shamanic Practitioner | Workshop/Retreat Facilitator | Certified Stone Medicine/Crystal Healing Practitioner | Warrior Goddess Training Facilitator | Meditation/Reiki Master Teacher

1:00 Ana Ivonne Lagunez
Dr. Ivonne Lagunez ND stands out as a beacon in the realm of natural health and wellness. With a foundational degree in Business Administration acquired in 1988, Dr. Lagunez ND has since dedicated her career to mastering a wide array of natural health disciplines. Her expertise spans a remarkable range of practices, including but not limited to Naturopathy, Reiki, Quantum Energy Healing, and Meditation, alongside specialized techniques such as Magnet Therapy, Bodywork Therapy, and Needle-Free Acupuncture. These diverse skills set not only highlights her dedication to the field but also her commitment to providing holistic and tailored health solutions.


Introducing Itachan, Kari Black Elk, Lakota
Sungmanitu Isnala (Lone Wolf)

Kari is the grandson of Wallace Black Elk and his paternal grandmother is a survivor of Wounded Knee Massacre. His paternal great grandfather is Afraid Of of the guardians of the Elk Head family who were the original keepers of the sacred bundle gifted by the White Buffalo Calf Woman.

Kari was raised to learn sacred ways of a Lakota and became very close with his grandfather Wallace Black Elk and other medicine men. With their influences, he carries on their legacies. The wisdom and knowledge he possesses are beyond his years.

Kari became a political/environmental activist at a very young age, designated as a youth AIM leader called Shades Of Red and a representative of youth public speaking engagements on protection of environmental issues sharing the stage with other well known activists such as Robert Kennedy Jr., Robby Romero and Xiuhtezcatl Martinez.

His development of his own warrior society known as Thunder Beings Are Protecting engages in various events. Last year, Kari and other members gave personal testimonies impacting to codify ICWA in the state of Colorado and to ensure MMIR amendment bills. Both bills passed successfully.

Kari has evolved in many aspects career wise. But his greatest passion will remain to do whatever is necessary on behalf of the indigenous people rights and justice which compliments along with his sister Leslie. His first year as an Intercessor of a sundance will be held this summer, it is open for anyone to come pray with our Black Elk family. To sum up Kari, he has already become phenomenal in the same sense of his grandfather Wallace

GRID WORKERS, Woodland Altars is inside the Eastern rim of a 5 mile wide IMPACT CRATER and on top of A DEEP 17.5 km long FAULT that is miles deep thus EMITTING A CONSTANT FLOW OF POSITIVE ENERGY. All of our Ceremonies and Activities will be on Site. We will be building the energy all three days We are Still Connected Directly by Fault line to the Great Serpent Mound.


Crater at Serpent Mound


Ohio is an ancient sea bed dating back hundreds of millions of years, to a time when the earth was covered with a salt water sea. Its fossil-rich sediments extend more than 5000 feet deep. Located on the edge of the Appalachian Mountain Escarpment, the Serpent Mound Crater has unusual geology, which dates back about 600 million years to the pre-Cambrian period. Rocks exposed in the crater date from 438 million to 345 million years old.

At that time there was a "T" shaped fault in the sea floor just east of Serpent Mound, running north-south along the sea floor from Sinking Spring to Locust Grove, and east-west parallel to Parker Ridge Road. Over 300 million years ago an asteroid or meteor collided with the seabed, creating a crater 5 miles wide. This is the only place on earth where an object from space has collided with a rift or fault in the earth's surface.

The impact created magnetic anomalies across the crater. The faulting in the crater has a direct effect on the weather, causing severe storms to dissipate as they approach the rim. Local residents tell of the batteries on vehicles and cell phones being mysteriously drained.

We Welcome Anela and Be
My name is Lelanya “Anela” Malulani Watson. My lineage comes from Hawaiian, Tahitian, European and African roots. I was raised on the island of O’ahu with an ancestral lineage stemming from, Tahiti, Ka’u on Moku ‘O Keawe (Hawai’i island) and Maui. These ancestral roots go back to generations of Kahuna Nui from both my grandfather (Hawaiian) and grandmother (Tahitian). I hold a strong lineage of wisdom that I receive through intuitive connection from my ancestors within the Spirit Realm.

In 2016 I experienced a profound spiritual awakening. It was then that I started the journey of self-reflection and intense inner healing. While diving deep into self, I gained a profound connection to God/Source/Creator and my own I Am Presence. My life’s purpose began to manifest and I started to re-awaken to my spiritual abilities. Over the years I learned various healing modalities and techniques through vibration, energy, sound, crystals and meditation. As I began to practice these modalities, I created a unfathomable connection to my ancestors and Star Lineage. I was taught ancient healing techniques that were being channel through me during each session I facilitated. After fully surrendering to the guidance and teachings, I created my own modality called Ho’ola Loa.

Today, I work in both the physical and quantum fields on multidimensional platforms. I support others in activating their dormant abilities within their Twelve 5th Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA. I do this by being a vessel of Divine Light to help clear any distortions held for eons of time in all bodies.. (the physical, etheric, mental and emotional, casual and spiritual) created by old thought patterns and lower vibrational emotions. As a practitioner, it is my kuleana (responsibility) to be a vessel of Light, and do the work with the highest intent of Love.

In 2022, I left Hawai’i to venture out into the world on a personal “Vision Quest”. I sold my house and everything I owned, as I put complete trust in the Universe, and am now living in a mobile RV. During my travels, I have created a deeper relationship to my own Divinity and to Mother Earth and is learning how to merge it deep into my physical being. I have also been learning about different cultures, not only here in the United States, but in other countries, experiencing other indigenous cultures, and consciously blending them with my own. While traveling, I began doing grid work for the earth and assisting humanity in raising our collective consciousness as I am Divinely guided and assisted by my Star Lineage and the Heavenly Realms.
“My name is ‘Be’Lynn Aquino Watson, born on the island of O’ahu. I am a daughter, sister, niece, auntie, mother, grandmother, a wife. “I am” a piece of a whole…that makes up “ONE”…from SOURCE. I am a creation who is navigating through this lifetime to remember my “true self” embodied in “Unconditional Love”. I am a student and teacher learning from all of my experiences and encounters to awaken me closer to who I AM. I AM one of you ALL that takes part in the healing process of ALL, the people, the land, the waters. I hold a piece as well as you all do to bring this healing to reality. My wife, Anela Malulani and I have a common purpose which is to help awaken those to follow their heart and activate places with love and light. We both made a leap of trust on this journey, traveling to different places in the world, to provide service to everyone and everything by raising our vibration and frequency of Unconditional Love.”

SunBôw TrueBrother is an author, international speaker and shamanic practitioner, who traveled for four decades in twenty countries on four continents, learning ancestral wisdom and ceremonial ways with numerous Indigenous Elders from dozens of nations from North to South America and to Australia. Paranormal encounters and experiences have been part of his training, as well as karmic cleansing. Following spiritual guidance including from non-human intelligence, SunBôw wrote The Sasquatch Message to Humanity trilogy, with the third book being an international collaboration of co-authors, and the Encyclopedia of All Things Sasquatch, an extensive documented research. His last series, Contemporary Shamanic Journeys, is an autobiographical account of the teachings he has received throughout his life, with three volumes published.

Terri (Sings with Ravens) Rivera or Ho Waste Winyan, means Good Voice or Good Talk Woman, Dakota name implies you speak the truth and from your heart. One of the founders of Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Peace Summits.
She grew up in Idaho along the Snake River and now lives just three miles from the Serpent Mound at the her Home/Shop are on the southeastern edge of a five-mile wide impact crater and sit a top of a 17.5 km long fault line that is miles deep. That combination emits a constant flow of positive energy. Terri has presented at workshops throughout the U.S. and Mexico and has worked with healers from around the world to hold spiritual retreats in various global locations.
The Crystal Skull is Divyanka “Divyanka” ( देव्यांका ) which translates to Divine. It’s a traditional Hindi name which also signify the skull’s origin. A gift from God. The Skull is Made of Himalayan quartz Crystal.
As a singer/songwriter she was nominated for a Native American Music Award and came in runner-up in the John Lennon song writing contest.
The music of Terri Sings With Ravens Rivera can be found at:

Thomas Johnson Thunder Rock of the Stars Sacred Geology of the Serpent Mound Valley. Tom is a rock man from Michigan and has been collecting rocks since he was 4 years old. Collected a lot around Sylvania, Ohio in an old 350 million year old sea bed 90 feet under ground through the 60's and 70's until the government stopped that activity with MSHA and OSHA 1979, He then moved to southern Ohio and began collecting an even older sea bed of 438 million. Many trips around the planet to collect and study fossils dating back to 2,7 billion years, recognized for his achievements in 1984 by the Smithsonian and National Geographic, he has written 3 books and lectured on the subject of trilobites and Meteor Craters for many years.

He was on the History Channel, Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 1 the segment on Serpent Mound and adjoining meteor crater.

Tom is the Owner of House of Phacops Rock Shop features fossils, minerals, custom handmade jewelry, art, carvings, music and herbs. The centerpiece of the shop is a Trilobite Gallery created by the U.S. National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution.

Linda Ivarie Blackburn has been a Star Knowledge Conference coordinator for Carefree AZ in 2012, Mt. Shasta for the Venus Transit, Iowa and Palm Springs, 2013, and lots of smaller gatherings. Linda is a Dancer, Artist, Mother & Wife. She lives by the Star Knowledge teachings.

Drumming Baba Jubal Harris
s a percussionist, drum maker, storyteller and teaching artist. My goal is to engage students and teachers in an artistic process that integrates the traditional arts with the core academic curriculum. During a recent Ohio Arts Council (OAC) Arts Learning residency at the Ohio School for the Blind, band and choir students in grades K-12 learned to play and sing African polyrhythms. History, geography, science, math and culinary arts were also integrated into their classroom curriculum. During another OAC residency at the Southern Ohio Museum and Cultural Center, fifth-grade students made drums and learned to perform as an ensemble that included, piano, Orff xylophone, vocals and percussion. I am a pioneer of African Centered Arts integration in American schools and my methodology allows collaboration to develop experiences that meet the Ohio Fine Arts Academic Content Standards for music grades K-12.This multiple intelligence approach is holistic and supports student creativity and achievement. Above all, my love of life and joy of sharing my many creative talents inspires students to learn.
I am a socially responsible artist rooted in the realization that life is a precious gift to be enjoyed and shared with reverence and respect. I strive to reflect the beauty and simplicity of nature in my art and music. My approach is harmonic and holistic. I dramatize African folktales because they are entertaining and, most importantly, they impart wisdom. My musical style employs the instruments of the full African orchestra, the song of the lead singer and chorus, hand clapping and dance that recreates a dramatic and mystical ritual saga. I make drums that are traditional and contemporary in style and construction technique. They are functional works of art. I currently perform with internationally acclaimed Kora player Alhaji Papa Susso from The Gambia, West Africa. I also perform with my ensemble "One World Rhythm" which includes musicians from West Africa, the Caribbean and the United States.

Leza Vivio is known widely for her abilities as a sound healer and inspirational speaker, as well as the founder of Sacred. Centered. You. She has a passion for both the scientific and intuitive, the practical and the mystical… She enjoys finding the bridges between these worlds and making them accessible to the seeker. For the last two decades, her mission has been assisting individuals find their path to personal growth and wellness by improving their awareness, understanding, and adaptability to change.
In her recent years, Leza has focused her work in the healing arts field serving through Vibrational Sound Healing, Past Life & Soul Regression, Spiritual Counseling, and Conscious Relationships. In addition to degrees in Philosophy and Counseling Psychology, Leza holds a doctorate in both Divinity and Sacred Music, and is a licensed professional counselor and Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider. Leza is the Director of Vibrational Healing at the Dr. Lillian Ronzio’s School of Holistic Health. She is specially trained in Vibrational Sound Healing, Mindfulness, Hypnotherapy, Yoga and Meditation, Integrative Medicine, Qigong, Trauma-Informed Care, and is a practicing Reiki Master.

Lawrence Rashad Greene is the founder of Ugata, drumming performance group in southern Ohio. He studied healing drumming at a behavioral health facility for youth in Georgia. He is the co founder of Rising Appalachian Warriors, a outdoor education camp. Currently Lawrence is an Artsbridge catalog artist offering drum and dance classes for schools in Marietta, Ohio and Parkersburg, WV. Lawrence became a member of the John Gee Black Historical Center in Gallipolis, Ohio where his group performs for the annual Emancipation Proclamation Celebration. Lawrence learned from his grandmother that her grandmother was a plant healer. By this time he was already working on his spiritual philosophy, Teoyo, which is a combination of Teosinte, the original corn plant and Oyo, the original way of saying Ohio. He developed it over 30 years of spiritual earth training in the Appalachian foothills region and the Ohio river valley. As a naturalist at The Wilds, Highlands Nature Sanctuary and Woodland Altars he has gotten to share earth wisdom and have time to honor scared sites in the region. Almost 20 years ago he witnessed the "crop circle" across from the Great Serpent Mound and it brought him to an Afro Indigenous understanding of life.

Barbara Meister Vitale, (Wichapi To Wi, Blue Star Woman ) is of Celtic blood. Trained by her grandmother in the ancient beliefs she has walked many paths. In 1980 she was made a relative by the Lakota people. Since that time she has been trained in many traditional cultures and ceremonies. Her new book “ Beyond Imagination” is on its way to being a best seller. She is also author of two other best selling books, and editor of the book “ Circle of Life” by Grandfather James Dubray. Grandmother Barbara brings knowledge of ceremony, healing, and medicine to the people.

Darrell has one of the most unique life stories of anyone we've ever talked to. He breaks down his paranormal experience visiting Serpent Mound, spirituality, Christianity, energy, sound frequencies, shungite crystals, ancient knowledge, ancient civilizations, chaga mushrooms and so much more! His life experiences and journey is fascinating and inspiring. Darrell has a BS in Business and is a former Army Captain, Ordained minister, former Pastor and Jurisdictional Bishop and Certified facilitator for the Ohio Violence Prevention Program, he commits his time and energy into building bridges of diversity, spiritual tolerance, and consciousness to unify humanity and stop violence. Darrell is currently working with Humanity for Peace which is trying to find a peaceful resolution to end the war in Ukraine. He is currently involved with friends and allies in organizing the 1st Nations Indigenous Wisdom Conference in support indigenous peoples of 10 nations later this year in 2016. This, after several years of being taught by elders and mentors from the Dogon, Yamasee, Aztec, Mayan tribes and others sharing their wisdom and aspirations.

Carla Poluha, Red Tent Facilitator and Community Gatherer Co-Host of Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Peace SummitsCarla has acquired many certifications and titles in her professional life, she believed she would climb the professional ladder of success, but much to her surprise , her well thought out plan was interseeded by Creator. There was a far better plan without limitations . All she would be required to do was let go and allow the Inner Goddess to flow and hear the call to gather the women in Red Tents . Red Tents are held during the energy of the new moon , a time when women naturally go within and are most in need of community . It is during this time that women must gather in circle to reclaim the wisdom of our ancestors. To get back into nature to embrace the medicines and recall the ways of our culture and lineage that was once forgotten . Carla is truly a champion of women and gatherer of community. Her passion for peace within humanity comes from her life experiences through adoption. This experience left her to uncover and come to a growing understanding of the core wound within all women and of humanity. This core wound of sex and sexuality is the root that ails all beings . Without uncovering and embracing core wounds we become warriors out to defend and destroy any and all who do not share our beliefs . It’s time to put down the swords with the knowledge that we are already free . The systems are broken , they do not require to be fixed . It’s time to experience liberation and create new ways of being that serve humanity and not the systems. Carla is constantly practicing the balance of creative ideas, passion in the heart and opening to the unfolding of experiences through LOVE

Chaski Wayra is a Peruvian native bringing the secrets of the Andes to share. He is an energy alchemist, Ancestral Medicine Sound Practitioner and works with ancient traditions of his country. Chaski brings his Andean vibrations to take people on deep healing journeys with sound and other healing gifts from Pachamama.

Chaski is here to bring the condor and the eagle together, creating beautiful harmony between nations. With this philosophy in mind, he helped open the Church of Gaia Consciousness to help humanity deeply heal.

Luis Mendez, Luis has been playing didgeridoo for over a decade and builds his own instruments from termite-eaten trees found in the jungle. His music connects Australian aboriginal traditions with indigenous Mexico, reviving the ancient "Mayan trumpet." The didgeridoo-like instrument is recorded in precolonial murals and attested to by contemporary Mayan storytellers. Watch a video about his work at

We Welcome Michelle Peacock, A Light Language Artist, Energy Practitioner, Transducer, Seer, Star Being, Channel in service to Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Peace Summits Fall Equinox, September 20,21,22,2024 for more info go to:
Everything is energy. Michelle works with energy and enjoy reading and moving energies. The sounds and movements that come through are channeled energetic frequencies, flowing, shifting, restoring, and rejuvenating. She is a clear conduit channel connecting with Spirit Guides using 100% pure benevolent, Source, Love, and Light.
She works in person and online with people, animals, and places, anywhere energetic need healing, awakening, or additional support. Michelle Peacock is a Reiki practitioner, artist, grid worker, and recently traveling to sacred lands, writing and recording journeys. 10,088 miles June, July, August 2024

Beings who come through: Anh-Yah – Lemurian, Gaia – Earth Mother, Pele – Volcano, Shambala – Dragon, Archangel Raphael, and Persephone to name a few.

These are a sampling of some of the Sacred Site Light Language Transmissions:Spider Rock, Canyon de Chelly (Root)

Snoqualmie Falls (Sacral)

Serpent Mound, Peebles, Ohio.
This one was at the serpent’s tail (endings)

Maui Secret Garden Labyrinth (portal)2025 begins my pilgrimage abroad.

“…I reimbodied the truth of who I am in a higher frequency than ever before. I left feeling so joyful and new, and so loved, not only by Michelle, but by my whole team of guides and angels.” Kristal Roach
Michelle Peacock will be avalible for One on one Readings, through-out the Peace Summit.

Shiva Nataraj-Allen “Serpents ( Nagas in Hinduism) are viewed as sacred beings. Practicing Hindu, 30 year yoga practitioner, masters in social work , I support equality for everyone, I believe respect of our ancestral traditions is what will bring about the needed changes to make a better more peaceful world. I am a spiritual advisor and have made journeys to Native American sites throughout the USA. I have traveled to 17 countries”

"A Shamanic Walk with the Pleiades"
Ceremony with Jeffery Grundtner, Marilyn Larson and Fannella Collins

The astrological alignments on September 22nd, 2024, 4:44am represent a unique opportunity in our lifetimes to initiate profound positive change. We will ceremonially connect with the magic between Earth and Sky to attune and align with these energies for the Highest Good, Within and Without.

Every 18.6 years the Moon is out of bounds enough to pass directly in front of the Pleiades. This will occur in the pre-dawn skies on the Equinox, September 22nd, 2024, and will be visible to us! Lunar energies represent embodiment/ensoulment, emotions, habits, the subconscious mind, and instinct. These occasions allow us to bring Pleiadian frequencies deeper into our lives. Unique to this moment is that it is conjunct the planet of revolutionary change and freedom, Uranus, and in flowing constructive relationship with the planet of evolutionary transformation, Pluto, which are both in flowing aspect to the Sun near the Equinox point, which is drawing on the planet of vision and the ideals of universal love, Neptune; all are in the last degrees of Earth signs. We will be ceremonially planting seeds! Informed by the Pleiades, our revolutionary ideas of earth-based values, supported by the breakdown of Old Paradigm structures, are seeding a new way of creating a Temple of Life that reflects Universal Love! This energy is another powerful steppingstone into the Aquarian Age and will not be repeated like this for an exceptionally long time, if ever!

Information about this energy and the setup of the ceremonial space will take place beforehand in our Workshop titled "Ceremonial Magic with Earth and Sky and the Role of Labyrinths." Attendance of this Workshop is strongly recommended to get the greatest benefit and to understand the ceremony. Ceremony is primarily experiential and will be done almost entirely in silence under the moonlit sky as it passes through the Pleiades.

The ceremonial space will be enclosed by a circle of planetary symbols aligned with their actual location in the sky at that moment. Inside this space will be laid out a Labyrinth of sacred geometry that is known as the "Walk of the Pleiades." Participants may bring a personal sacred object to add to the altar. We'll officially open the ceremony at 4:44 a.m. with a group grounding meditation. Under clear skies, I will offer a brief star teaching including pointing out the Lakota Sacred Hoop of stars. Participants will be able to offer a tobacco prayer as they wish. We will then be free to remove shoes and walk The Labyrinth(s) in silent meditation as the moon, the Pleiades, and Uranus culminate high in the sky. After a time of experiential connection, there will be a signal to shift to more open participation in the energy that may include singing, healing sounds or drumming, retreating to one's own space or small group discussions. The labyrinths will remain available until dawn. Sunrise is at 7:22 a.m. and the exact time of equinox is 8:44 a.m.

A Shamanic Walk with the Pleiades

The astrological alignments on September 22nd, 2024, represent a unique opportunity in our lifetimes to initiate profound positive change. We will ceremonially connect with the magic between Earth and Sky to attune and align with these energies for the Highest Good, Within and Without.

Every 18.6 years the Moon is out of bounds enough to pass directly in front of the Pleiades. This will occur in the pre-dawn skies on the Equinox, September 22nd, 2024, and will be visible to us! Lunar energies represent embodiment/ensoulment, emotions, habits, the subconscious mind, and instinct. These occasions allow us to bring Pleiadian frequencies deeper into our lives. Unique to this moment is that it is conjunct the planet of revolutionary change and freedom, Uranus, and in flowing constructive relationship with the planet of evolutionary transformation, Pluto, which are both in flowing aspect to the Sun near the Equinox point, which is drawing on the planet of vision and the ideals of universal love, Neptune; all are in the last degrees of Earth signs. We will be ceremonially planting seeds! Informed by the Pleiades, our revolutionary ideas of earth-based values, supported by the breakdown of Old Paradigm structures, are seeding a new way of creating a Temple of Life that reflects Universal Love! This energy is another powerful steppingstone into the Aquarian Age and will not be repeated like this for an exceptionally long time, if ever!

Information about this energy and the setup of the ceremonial space will take place beforehand in our Workshop titled "Ceremonial Magic with Earth and Sky and the Role of Labyrinths." Attendance of this Workshop is strongly recommended to get the greatest benefit and to understand the ceremony. Ceremony is primarily experiential and will be done almost entirely in silence under the moonlit sky as it passes through the Pleiades.

The ceremonial space will be enclosed by a circle of planetary symbols aligned with their actual location in the sky at that moment. Inside this space will be laid out a Labyrinth of sacred geometry that is known as the "Walk of the Pleiades." Participants may bring a personal sacred object to add to the altar. We'll officially open the ceremony at 4:44 a.m. with a group grounding meditation. Under clear skies, I will offer a brief star teaching including pointing out the Lakota Sacred Hoop of stars. Participants will be able to offer a tobacco prayer as they wish. We will then be free to remove shoes and walk The Labyrinth(s) in silent meditation as the moon, the Pleiades, and Uranus culminate high in the sky. After a time of experiential connection, there will be a signal to shift to more open participation in the energy that may include singing, healing sounds or drumming, retreating to one's own space or small group discussions. The labyrinths will remain available until dawn. Sunrise is at 7:22 a.m. and the exact time of equinox is 8:44 a.m.

Tadashi is an interpretive dancer/performance artist who is a native of Japan. He studied Butoh (Japanese avant-garde dance) with Moe Yamamoto, Toru Iwashita, Kunisuke Kamiryo, Yoshito Ohno (son of Kazuo Ohno), Yukio Waguri, Seisaku & Yuri, Ko Muroboshi, and Kayo Mikami; a Butoh-inspired interpretive dance with Akira Kasai; Japanese sword dance with Kensei Namiki; traditional style swordsmanship with Ken Morita; Ballet at various dance schools including Morgantown Dance Studio, Modern Dance with Bill Evans, Kista Tucker, Don Halquis, Angela Dennis, Kristina Isabella, and Pilobolous Dance Company; Jazz Dance with Liz Rossi; Contact Improvisation with Jordan Fuchs and Contact Improvisation groups in Philladelphia; Break Dance at Harajuku Dance Academy; Central Asian Dance, Persian Dance, and Middle Eastern Dance with Narah Bint Durr; and West African Dance with Jonathan Burbank and Michael Vercelli. He was also trained in Mime, Laban Movements Analysis (Bill Evans and Kista Tucker), Bartenieff Fundamental (Bill Evans and Don Halquis), Alexander Technique (Suzanne Oliiver), Qigong, Tai Chi, and various other forms of martial arts. He has integrated the essences of all the movement-arts he has learned and performs originally choreographed interpretive dance repertories as well as dance-based performance art.

~ Walking Crow a Transformational Shamanic Healer, Curandero, Mentor, Medicine Man, Drum and Rattle Maker, Ceremonialist, Seer, Storyteller, Philosopher, Speaker, Published Author and Media Host. His emphasis is working with those who want to change and heal their lives. His work in private practice includes shamanic healing and mentoring sessions, personal and group drum journeys, healings and clearing ceremonies. He also conducts workshops that teach others how to be in their bodies, change their language about speaking about who they are and are not, and come to peace with life’s traumas, hurts, wounds and shames using the chakra system, subtle energy of the emotional body and the medicine wheel. ~ Walking Crow celebrates his ancient lineages which include the Tarahumara and Perepeché through his mother and Chichimeca through his father.

As a Shamanic drummer ~ Walking Crow helps others journey into other dimensions to find their spirit guides, spirit animals, gifts, healings or just to find answers in an organic way.
Walking Crow has been guided by his ancestral spirits to birth (make) Sacred Drum Medicine and to sing the medicine songs he is given by the spirit world.

~ Walking Crow channels Drum Medicine, which also includes rattles, tobacco and other plant medicines. He has birthed drums for many all over the world and travels Turtle Island extensively to share his gifts. He also hosts Sacred Drum Birthing Ceremonies for groups and individuals which is taught in a ceremonial and intentional way. Medicine song singing circles, fire and full moon ceremonies are also available.

Transformation of a Walking Crow is the story of how a young man who went from a lifetime of self imposed suffering with low or no self-esteem, struggling through alcoholism, drug addiction and failed relationships. Feeling unloved and not knowing how to love, he found a new way of life through a magical spiritual healing, and becoming a healer himself. He shares how he steps into his new found power and begins to say yes to himself after a lifetime of no, which thrusts him into a miraculous transformation of power through the willingness of being vulnerable to himself. Share the path and be inspired by what can happen when you. "Begin to say yes to yourself after a lifetime of no's."

Transformational Shamanic Healing * Mentoring * Ceremonialist Men in SelfCare Talking Circles * Medicine Song Circles

Dr. Ivonne Lagunez ND stands out as a beacon in the realm of natural health and wellness. With a foundational degree in Business Administration acquired in 1988, Dr. Lagunez ND has since dedicated her career to mastering a wide array of natural health disciplines. Her expertise spans a remarkable range of practices, including but not limited to Naturopathy, Reiki, Quantum Energy Healing, and Meditation, alongside specialized techniques such as Magnet Therapy, Bodywork Therapy, and Needle-Free Acupuncture. These diverse skills set not only highlights her dedication to the field but also her commitment to providing holistic and tailored health solutions.

As the proud owner of Kanti Wellness, Dr. Lagunez has created a sanctuary for those seeking to embark on a transformative health journey. Kanti Wellness is more than just a center; it's a place where education meets application, allowing individuals to uncover and address the root causes of their health issues through natural and effective methods. Dr. Ivonne's approach is deeply personalized, recognizing that the path to wellness varies from one individual to another. Her ability to integrate various healing modalities ensures that each client receives a bespoke program designed to foster vibrant health and well-being.

With over 35 years of experience, Dr. Ivonne has honed her skills to not just heal but also to inspire. Her clients often report feeling not just physically better but also mentally and spiritually rejuvenated. This testament to her work underscores her belief in treating the individual as a whole - body, mind, and spirit. Dr. Ivonne Lagunez's specialty lies in her meticulous preparation of personalized wellness programs, guiding her client's step by step towards achieving their health and wellness goals. Her dedication to innovating within the field of natural health makes her a true pioneer, committed to enhancing the lives of those she works with through a comprehensive and compassionate approach to healing.

She focuses on your personal needs to be able to support your healing in body, mind, and spirit. Almost all her clients say they feel lighter and with a clearer vision.

Her specialty is to prepare a personalized program so you can follow step by step your path to health and wellness.

Juan/John Rodriquez is a filmmaker who has worked with some of the biggest legends in the entertainment industry that this country has ever produced: Carlos Santana, Buddy Miles, Herby Hancock, The Temptations and many more too numerous to list.
He has been the producer and camera man in 4 movies and currently developing two more, and working on numerous documentaries as well.

Marcus is the founder of Sacred Light Healing and Wellness, is an intuitive holistic life guide/practitioner specializing in multiple Reiki forms, crystal healing (CHH), psychic medium readings, akashic records therapy, chakra balancing, guided meditations for 7+ years & weekly life guidance. Marcus is also a community host & facilitates various workshops, along with editing/producing his own podcast & online series for community to bridge.
The guided meditation journey i will be facilitating, is a meditation to connect & receive with our spirit animal medicines & ancestors to assist in aligning & balancing our being for clarity, releasing of what no longer serves & harmonizing peace as we give honor for the change of season.

Workshop. Pamila Jean Author | Shamanic Practitioner | Workshop/Retreat Facilitator | Certified Stone Medicine/Crystal Healing Practitioner | Warrior Goddess Training Facilitator | Meditation/Reiki Master Teacher

Rebecca Dunaway, CMPE, HMCT-R
Rebecca offers Reiki, HeartMath®, and guided meditation. After 30 years in healthcare, Rebecca became inspired to help others as well as herself applying these three tools easing anxiety, exhaustion, and burnout.
HeartMath® self-regulation techniques are easy to learn and designed to be used “in the moment,” whatever the situation.
Reiki promotes relaxation, stress reduction and improvement of overall health and well-being.
Guided meditation invites the senses to aid in relaxation, rest, and restoration.

Lakota Vendor/Flute Maker/Flute Player Joseph White Feather

Cherie Lyn Romano and Ethan Christopher Self sr. Hand Fasting Ceremony

Mark White Wolf is a Native American Master Quantum Healer.
Mark discovered he has lots of Native American ancestry. The tribal medicine women and men have named him “White Wolf”.

Mark found his higher level of consciousness gives him knowledge of the quantum energy that applies to him. This quantum energy gives him the ability to help others help themselves to get better for many different things in the physical body.

Paul Remole of Mayan Treasures will be vending Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Fall Equinox Peace Summit September 20,21,22,2024. Paul is from Guatemala and has many teaching. However as much as I have asked him to talk he will not. Only one on one or a few at a time at his booth. Powerful Shaman and a very good friend for many years. Ask to see his book of pictures he has taken of Angels and spirits.

Food is always Amazing!!! Super Fun Chefs!!! Indigenous Chef is on a mission to push the boundaries of vegan cuisine with omnivore options.

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